Book cover image
  • Edited by Chin, Abad, Bullough, Ghazal, Humenyuk, Kopp, Martin, Ngai, Siu, Subendran, Wright, Zhang and Zhang
  • 2018
  • ISSN 2561-7826

galt. 01


galt. is a published design platform featuring the work of students and alumni of the University of Waterloo School of Architecture. Curated and edited by a collective of students, it is a series of projects and essays that engage in the contemporary architectural discourse.

Alternating is a constant state of succession. Designing is making conscious decisions through which architects and designers navigate infinite possibilities. This momentum of alternating generates our current lines of questioning in design, and the cycle of criticising the established creates constant renewal. By curating these possibilities, we create reactionary forces between alternates, constantly straddling the multi-faceted existence of any subject, object, or idea. For its inaugural issue, galt. examines works through the constant movement of the theme of alternating.



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