
Riverside Architectural Press

Riverside Architectural Press (RAP) is an independent publishing house associated with the University of Waterloo, School of Architecture (UWSA) in Cambridge, Ontario. The Press specializes in the publication of contemporary art and design research including a focus on emerging technology and cultural studies. The catalogue includes leading-edge research and peer-reviewed knowledge creation, with multiple publications developed with research partners including ACADIA, University College London, Dalhousie University, Royal Danish Academy, Subtle Technologies, and professional and community partners including London Building Centre, Twenty & Change, and the International Aluminium Institute. RAP is co-funded by the Living Architecture Systems Group, with in-kind support from the University of Waterloo and with funding support from Mitacs, Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada, Canada Council for the Arts and multiple individual partners. 

RAP undertakes publications in print, e-book, and open-access online forms. Short-run print publications are complemented by on-demand digital printing. Print distribution is undertaken by RAP’s distributor, UBC Press, warehoused at University of Toronto Press in Toronto, with incremental stocks also maintained at RAP offices at UWSA and Toronto locations. Ebook dissemination is undertaken by Publishdrive, maintaining Amazon and other online retail stocks. Open Access distribution is maintained directly by RAP at the website www.riversidearchitecturalpress.ca.